Wednesday 5 June 2013

Swansea Uni ball 3rd June 2013

We were doing a gig in Swansea at the Uni ball.
Some of us got to there in time for the soundcheck, we had a good crowd.
On the way down we had stopped at a designer outlet and Eggsy had bought some new tracksuit bottoms.
We were then taken to a small disco room where Graham pretended to be a DJ, which he used to be before being sacked for playing "sit down" by James. 
About 3 hours after the sound check Billy Webb and the others turned up in style.
So we found a small area that had some chairs and made a mess and talked about stuff.
After we had made a good mess and Adam had realised he had left his phone in a taxi we went to get ready for the gig.
Eggsy had been to the charity shop where the woman is allegedly under investigation for embezzlement and bought a rather nice chain.
We had a drawing competition which Eggsy won, he was the only one to enter actually. Mike added some extras though.
Graham was going for the gay wrestler look and all his clothes had black mold and mildew on them.
Then it was time for Billy to break out the 3 barrels.
This is Lucy who was looking after us, she is actually 5 foot 10 but Maggot makes her look much smaller.
Eggsy completed his look and it was time.
We started our walk to the main stage.
Time to party, or at least sweat and swear in time to  music.
Berfor we went on it there was just enough time for Billy to investigate the brandy further.
This girl was hanging round back stage.
Then we hit the stage.
The students were having a good time.
Mike had promised us he was going to die on stage tonight, again he managed to get through.
And we found out this girl wasn't just hanging around, she was actually working for some sort of TV show or something.
By now Billy and the brandy were inseparable.
Billy was last seen in the Six Bells with the brandy with his hands in the air to the Stone Roses.
It was a great night.

1 comment:

  1. amazing! sooo nice to have you guys down - see you in monmouth!!


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